Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Yarn Therapist Speaks: Four Steps to a Healthier YOU!

The Yarn Therapist Speaks:  Four Steps to a Healthier YOU!

As your Yarn Therapist, it is my job to be concerned not only with your craftual wellness but with your overall wellness as well.  You see- if you aren't healthy and well then you aren't going to want to pick up those needles and hooks and make something spectacular. 

     Living a healthier, more holistic lifestyle is a goal for most people. How to get started, however, is another issue. There are so many books, websites and programs all touting the ways to be healthier and happier. But really, wellness can begin by taking just a few small steps that will plant your feet on the path and impact your life in positive ways.

1. Take a multi vitamin everyday. Most of us do not get the recommended doses of vitamins and minerals our bodies require from the food we eat. Even the healthiest of eaters generally still have a few spots where they could use a boost. Taking a good multi vitamin every day will help fill in some of the gaps in your nutrition and allow your body to function the way it should. You should make sure you drink plenty of water when you take your daily dose to aid in the digestion.

2. Shop the outside aisles of the grocery store. Why? Because most of the fresh and whole foods are located on the outside aisles. Generally a store is set up with fresh and frozen foods around the outside ring and prepackaged and preservative laden foods are located in the aisles on the inside of the store ( the exception is the baking aisle which will contain your whole wheat flours, olive oils and such.) The majority of your grocery cart should contain foods from these fresh sections. If you are worried about spoilage most foods can be unwrapped, washed and then repackaged in freezer bags and stored until you need them. This is a great way to cut costs as well since you can buy produce and meats on sale and freeze the extras.

3. Invest in a water filter, a stainless steel bottle and use them. I probably don't even have to mention the amount of contaminants even in "treated" water supplies. Even if you just invest in a small water pitcher it will still be very effective in removing the contaminants from your drinking supply. The stainless steel bottle serves two purposes in that it gives you a portable, non-toxic way to carry your water and it also is reusable saving a ton of plastic bottles from being purchased and thrown away.

4. Deep breathe. Deep breathing is one of the best things we can do for our bodies and our minds. By filling up our lungs so that the belly rises and falls we are providing our bodies with much more life giving oxygen which in turns causes healthier cells, decreased stress and anxiety, increases metabolism, aids in weight loss and keeps us mentally alert. In fact, it has been shown that oxygen practically smothers cancer cells and kills them in the body.     

Begin implementing these small changes in your daily life and start seeing a big impact in how you look, feel and think. Then use these as a springboard to get into other healthy habits along with a regular exercise routine. Of course, being the Yarn Therapist, I suggest a nice evening stroll- knitting needles in hand ;)

1 comment:

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